
Lab News

10/26/15: Congratulations to Dan Ju on being awarded David S. Olton Research Award.

04/30/15: The lab was featured on the HUB.

04/13/15: Congratulations to Ben who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis!

04/01/15: The lab was featured in Johns Hopkins Gazette.

03/30/15: Congratulations to Ninad who passed his PhD qualifying exam!

01/22/15: The lab was featured in Johns Hopkins Magazine.

12/01/14: Michaela Warnecke has been named the recipient of the first place Best Student Paper Award in Animal Bioacoustics at the Indianapolis meeting for the paper “Foraging among acoustic clutter and competition: Vocal behavior of paired big brown bats.” Congratulations Ela!

11/24/2014: The lab was featured in Arts & Sciences Magazine.

02/05/14: Michaela Warnecke has been selected to receive a prestigious graduate fellowship from the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes! Congratulations Ela!

12/20/13: Wu-Jung Lee has been awarded the prestigious Hunt Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Acoustical Society of America. Congratulations Wu-Jung!

11/20/13: Congratulations to Mohit who successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis!

6/21/12: Congratulations to Genni who successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis!

4/30/12: Congratulations to Ben who passed his dissertation proposal defense!

9/21/11: Lakshmi Krishnan passed her prelim with flying colors!

9/12/11: Genni's study featured on BBC Nature News.

7/27/11: Featured on News Channel 8.

6/21/11: More featured articles in Popular Mechanics and University of Maryland:UMD news andA. JAMES CLARK SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING news.

6/20/11: The PNAS paper: Bat wing sensors support flight control just came out and featured in both NATURE NEWS and BBC NEWS.

5/30/11: Chen Chiu and Cynthia Moss won the Acoustical Society of America 2011 Gallery of Acoustics Competition.

4/20/11: Congratulations to Beatrice Mao who passed her prelim in April, 2011!

4/4/11: Dr. Cynthia Moss has been named the BSOS ADVANCE Professor for 2011.Congratulations!

11/26/10: Chen Chiu wins 2010 JEB Outstanding Paper Prize. Congratulations!

4/16/10: Genni Spanjer Wright has been awarded an Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship for the semester of her choice during the 2010-2011 academic year. Congratulations!

3/26/10: Congratulations to Ben, who successsully passed qualified exam.

3/3/10: Cindy is a winner this year of the Regents Faculty Award for Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities. Congratulate Cindy on this well deserved and very prestigious award.

2/4/10: Featured in UMD news and Science paper Science .

8/25/08: Chen's new paper just appeared in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

8/5/08: Chen Chiu successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis! Congratulations Chen!

4/23/07: Nachum Ulanovsky has accepted a faculty position at the Weizmann Institute!

4/23/07: Genni Spanjer Wright has been selected to receive a 2007-2008 fellowship from the Comparative and Evolutionary Biology of Hearing Training Program!

4/23/07: Chen Chiu was awarded the distinguished Ann Wylie Dissertation Fellowship for 2007!

4/23/07: Murat Aytekin successfully defended his dissertation and will receive his Ph.D. in May, 2007!

1/25/07: Nachum's new paper just appeared in Nature Neuroscience. And in addition, this paper was featured in the “Research Highlights” section of the last issue of Nature.

10/21/06: Congratulations to Chen, who has received the 36th Annual North American Symposium on Bat Research “Outstanding Student Poster Award” for 2006.

5/25/06: Congratulations to Kisi, who has received the Department of Biology’s “Outstanding Research Award” for the 2005-2006 academic year.

3/14/06:Kaushik Ghose successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis on March 14, 2006! Congratulations Kaushik!

9/24/04: Lab wins first prize in NSF-Science visualization challenge. (award winning animation).

4/01/04: CRCNS NSF/NIH grant: Innovative Technologies Inspired by Biosonar.